Offical Mathcamp USA/Canada Site
Mathcamp 2001 Stuff
Book recommendations
Mathcamp Raps
Hell Relays Over
, math parody songs based on The Eagles, Tom Petty, and Bob Marley
The House With Too Many Perpendiculars
- the script
Vicious Mathcamp Staff Parody
Various pics
Mathcamp 2000 stuff
Book recommendations
Still at Mathcamp After All These Years
, math parody songs based on Simon and Garfunkel.
Other Silly Math Stuff
Miscellaneous Mathcamp handouts
including false proofs.
Various Mathcamp pics
Mathcamp 1999 stuff
Book recommendations
Dr. T's Lonely Staff Club Band
, math parody songs based on the Beatles.
Birthday list
Mary Pat Campbell
, last updated Aug 2001