3 April 98
So I was sitting in a talk yesterday, and as usual I started making
unrelated/related notes. Your task - should you accept it - is to
reconstruct the order/connections between these various notes. Good luck.
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Berets, Washcloths, Doilies, Shawl
think about the brain
too large belts, look like dieting
elementary symbols
bad crossword clues
Do flies have souls? animals that don't do much thinking
queasiness of working with chimps
visual way of speaking and writing
Rat telekinesis -- plugin cyberrats
Info theory and brain
assumed sexuality
unstable patterns
books as pickup props
Homosexuality in Mainstream Film
People who snore shouldn't snooze in lectures
Thunder and lightning in cities
Odd acoustics of the city -- acoustics of room
subway under building (N/R)
Knitting structure, entrelac doily patterns
unraveling raveler knitting backwards
knitting that looks like weaving
subway arrival as poisson process
Read too many books, where was the thing called raveler
think of speaker for the dead
Hottubs and color perception (neat)
Stealing problems flexibility shadowing
Conversations - like a tree/web have to wait for link
horizontal moves, jumps backtracks
hypercards on macs
webpages still linear
dyslexia - trying to pull in too many things at one time?