13 Sept 99
Well, just puttering around really. In about an hour I expect to hunker
down to some real work.
Argh, someone please write me snail mail!
The mailing address is (if you've forgotten):
61 East 8th St., PMB 143
New York, NY 10003
Absolutely anyone is invited to write me. Literary subjects are welcome,
such as Austen, Dickens, or Rowling, but personal info and chattiness is
okay as well. Please send death threats to someone else. New York is
already trying it's damned best to take care of that job.
Let's see, I made a couple of additions to mywords page... some stuff I
dug up out of the closet in the bonus room that I had forgotten about. So
=that's= where all my Japanese books went.
Knitting/commuting update: past couple days I've gotten 2 and 3 rows done,
respectively. But on one day I dropped a stitch and it was giving me
trouble, and this morning I rolled up the skein into a ball, because it
was annoying me.
Oh yeah, I'm trying to type up my journal I kept while in Japan. I can't
believe I wrote such crap. It must have been the fatigue. Really.
And as Stu suggests:
Punchlines I don't want to remember:
I wouldn't send a knight out on a dog like this.
I thought you said King Kong balls!
an abelian grape
puns for a lifetime:
College Inn Injections
haute meal
dare I air? (you had to be there)
and something else entirely:
Knock knock
who's there?
kangaroo who?
kangaroo hops!