9 May 99
Ma's Day
So I called Ma sometime about 6:30 am, pretty secure in the knowledge that
I'd be the first to call.
Anyway, my office is almost entirely clean of my stuff now. I need to
figure out when we're going to have the big computer move to the 8th
floor, but we shall see.
I have a couple notes from a talk I went to on modeling how DNA twists up
under thermal conditions, and it seems it all relates to the fidgets I was
watching around me -- you know, how some people bounce their legs, kick
their feet, shake their feet (the last two generally when legs are
crossed), and odd two-stage kick with a flex of the foor.
Then people had their hands all in different places - leaning on them,
hand on chin, near mouth, near ear, on forehead, in hair, covering the
lower half of the face, on the neck.
Anyway, I notice that I don't cross my legs much in the chairs around
here, mainly because I have enough trouble with my feet touching the
floor. I can't put my feet flat on the floor unless I'm sitting on the
edge of the chair. So I usually have that "perched" position that a guy
on NPR a few weeks ago was talking about. It seems the sitting position
people take when they're perched on bar stools, etc., is the best for
backs -- perhaps it's good that I'm short after all.
Let's see, I revamped my old diary pages, and put them in actual order for
those who are interested. I need to do some more updating still.
Anyway, I've finished my taching responsibilities for the year. Woo hoo.