17 Nov 98 
Various thoughts, of me and others: 
On coincidence, esp. running into other people: 
if this never happens to you, you must be dead. 
So, I'm going to a poker game on Sunday night (beware Acey-Deucey, the 
demon's game) that I've been invited to by Josh -- somebody I know -- at 
somebody I don't know - Mike's - apt.  So I'm waiting in my apartment for 
a good time to leave (don't want to be =too= early, such a faux pas in 
NYC, but I was told the games tend to be punctual... can't possibly be 
tardy when it comes to losing money); I've got the radio on aM 820, it's 
after the news so New York Kids is on... I hang on later than I normally 
would, because they're going to have Harry Shearer on.  So I listen to him 
do a couple of the voices from the Simpsons, and when they cut to a 
Godzilla clip, I'm out the door... 
So I'm bookin it to the 6 line, and I just miss the train pulling away. 
I've never gotten off at the 33rd St. stop, so I start wandering down the 
way wondering what will be the best car to get on.  Within 10 minutes 
(probably less) the next train comes roaring up, and the car I'm about to 
get in.... Josh is in.  He's coming from dinner with his parents downtown. 
That's coincidence #1. 
To make number two shorter, at the student center today I was looking at 
the ticket board, and noticed the other person looking at the board was a 
woman I met at the Astor Place Barnes & Noble in the crafts section -- she 
was knitting a hat with some crappy yarn.  I told her about Crafts & Talk 
(which she "mentioned" to me today -- I love when that happens) and today 
I told her how to get to Smiley's Yarns -- God's gift to yarn people. 
That's #2. 
Hello, diana, if you're reading this.  garrulous.  I like that word. 
I saved an article on circumcision under the filename "foreskin", when I 
had finished with the article, I typed "rm foreskin". 
I thought it was funny. 
There is other effluvia that must be emptied out, reused before recycled 
(or just plain dumped) but all today's thoughts are mine.  Guaranteed. 
I'll give you other people's thoughts later. 
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