9 March 98
Well, I know only I can see my remarks right now, I've been stuck
on the still impotent (in some ways) quixote, and the system does not yet
recognize us. The print daemons ignore us, no software exists for it
(esp. the ever-useful matlab) and why the hell are all the shift keys in
Let me tell you, up until this morning it's been pretty tough (in
some ways) sticking to my no meat stricture for Lent, but spooning out
solid yellow/orange fat and draining off "juices" from surplus beef is
enough to put one off the stuff for a month. And it didn't even take a
Burger King commercial this time. This is a bad smell day. I'm in a
computer lab on the 7th floor in the math building, and I swear this chair
reeks of urine. I should know, I'm the expert I pass by one of the most
used walls in the East Village every day. And there's something
undefinable stinking up my office. I don't think it's my old tea bags I'm
saving for compost, because I've got them stashed in an air-tight ziploc
bag -- right?
Oh yeah, evidently the postal service is getting cranky in its old
bureaucracy (I can never figure out if I've spelled that word correctly)
and refuses to send mail to Lord Zod. That's funny, it never bitched
about it before. hHHHHHHHHHHHHHm. bleh
I hate these fucking keyboards!
Anyway, I've got a new picture of me, rowing. i'm obviously off
from the stroke 9but i'm 5 seats back, so i can blame it on the
intervening people0 and my shoulders are hunched up, and my knees aren't
bent enough. but it's me rowing.
for those who do not realize that my shift keys have entirely
crapped out, 9 = left paren and 0 = right paren. and assume i know how to
capitalize 9you better believe it,baby10