5 Feb 97 
God is mocking me. 
Last night, fat, soggy flakes of what could have been accumulating snow  
had it only been colder instead accumulated in my hair and on my glasses.   
Winter rain sucks, but winter rain that was almost real snow sucks even  
Someone stole one of my bananas.  I cannot trust anyone anymore. 
Just to put it on the record: "spiritual constipation" and "spiritual  
enema" are my own, personal phrases.  I give persmission for people to use  
them for private, non-commercial purposes only.  Attribution to me is not  
necessary, but is recommended: people will likely wonder where your  
head has been.  I've not had to use either expression for awhile; being a  
mathematician, I can always work it out with a pencil. 
(Yes, that last phrase is not mine, but feel free to use it anyway.) 
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