Maureen's 2003 October Photo Album
Lookin' around
Say 'ello to my li'l friend
On the floor
Still on the floor
Baby bonnet front
Bonnet and mitts up close
Rolling about
You are the heart of my eye(?)
Oh, blow it out your ear
What an amazing discovery!
Ooooo - Soup!
Non-baby: What is =that=?!
Non-baby: close up of pasta drum
Somebody partied too hard at the anniversary dinner
Non-baby: Maureen's dino friend
Hanging out in the car seat
Hanging out in the crib
All wrapped up
Non-baby: Bearzilla!
Who's that l'il pumpkin?
Please, Lord, save me from these people
What a happy pumpkin
Come on baby, light my fire
Three rotten pumpkins
Mmmmmm sodaaaaa
Baby with Bernie
I've never seen a sleeping cow...
We have a gifted child
Chick meets chick.
I'm so naugh-tee!
L'il cow and big cow
Mmmmmm lunch!
Don't let that cow get away!
Sisters at the State Fair
Day over, man, day over!
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Mary Pat Campbell
, last updated on date of most recent pics