Grace family 2004 December Photo Album
Little Mo Nick
Time for NC... December something til something else
Oompa-loompa doompity doo...
Going for a Christmas drive
Settle down for a long winter's nap
Hmm. TV.
And she doesn't move at all
Down comes the rain...and wash the spider out
Pushing along
Powered by grandma!
Oh yeah! It's good to run!
Look into the distance
The Daddy ride!
Finished the first book, time for the second
I dunno, kinda boring
Daddy, do you know what kind of books your child reads?!
Perhaps it'll be easier to read with my feet
Is this a good pout?
Daddy has had enough of the holidays
Glamour girls posing with attitude!
And it was =this= big!
Crawling out of the old year
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Mary Pat Campbell
, last updated on date of most recent pics