Maureen's 2003 November Photo Album
Normal smiley babe
Cat will get that tongue
Baby zombie
Ennui at such an early age..
Gramma's cross-stitch quilt
Normal maniacal smiley babe
Jumpy chair!
Now bored with toys
I'll bend over backwards for you
Non-baby: skinny meep front
Non-baby: skinny meep side
Again with the happy baby!
Yummy towel
Think about a spoon
There is no spoon?
Ah, got the idea about the spoon.
Trying out her holiday togs a little early.
And now trying out some holiday cheer.
I think someone's gotten into the eggnog
Simple portrait
She'll sleep anywhere you leave her...
Please don't feed the animals
Sure, she =looks= innocent..
Help! I've pinned myself under my own chair!
Hanging out, watching the History Channel.
Yeah, so we like documentaries, what's wrong with that?
Someone's had enough of WWII programs
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Mary Pat Campbell
, last updated on date of most recent pics