(To the tune of Tom Lehrer's Irish Ballad)
There once was a maid who was named juno
sing rickety tickety tin
There once was a maid who was named juno
And her infamous story you should know
She won against brad, her greatest foe...
And soon our story shall begin, begin
soon our story shall begin
It looked rather grim for miss mary p
sing rickety tickety tin
It looked rather grim for miss mary p
Brad had much mana and creatures, you see
mp would soon be dead, you'll agree
For she did not have as much as him, as him
she did not have as much as him
Brad called forth several streams of life
sing rickety tickety tin
Brad called forth several streams of life
He had 70-some points and the game was rife
With tension -- you could cut it with a knife
But soon brad's life would end, would end
soon brad's life would end
Mary kept alive with a virtual wall
sing rickety tickety tin
Mary kept alive with a virtual wall
of creatures, a stream of life, and all
She knew that soon brad would take a fall
For his library was getting thin, quite thin
his library was getting thin.
"Oh dear," the wicked juno said,
sing rickety tickety tin
"Oh dear," the wicked juno said,
"When you run out of your library you are dead.
You can see the rules, they are just as I read.
I'm afraid, dear old friend, that I win, I win,
I'm terr'bly afraid that I win."
And so the moral of this tale,
sing rickety tickety tin
And so the moral of this tale,
A small stack might be hearty and hale,
But if your foe has more cards than you, you might fail
You should stack more cards when you begin, begin,
Or you will have committed brad's sin.
mp 7 March 1994
ever get the feeling that mp doesn't win that often? I think I got
Brad's Illusionary mask when I won this time