Mary Pat Campbell
New York, New York  · 
Personal Web pages: and

    SOA Exam Results
    Course 1 Passed Fall 2002
    Course 2 Passed Fall 2002
    Course 3 Passed Spring 2003
    Course 4 Passed Fall 2003
    Course 6Passed Spring 2004
    Course 5Passed Fall 2005
    Broad background in scientific computation, in teams as well as working alone. Worked on modeling problems in several fields -- actuarial, molecular physics, neuroscience, finance, population studies, signal processing, statistics, information retrieval, electronic logic games. Good working knowledge of PC's, Macintoshes, and UNIX-based systems. Experience in Excel VBA, Perl, C, Matlab, Mathcad, Maple, FORTRAN, APL2, and able to pick up new languages (computer or human) quickly. Have consulted for software design in signal processing and in a patent law case for an electronic logic puzzle; have tutored graduate level statistics, probability, stochastic processes, analysis, and mathematical finance.
    Courant Institute, New York University, New York, New York
    M.S. Applied Mathematics, September 1998
    Ph.D. program, completed all but dissertation, Fall 1998 - Spring 2002

    North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
    B.S. Mathematics, B.S. Physics, May 1996


    TIAA-CREF, New York, New York
    Actuarial Assistant, March 2003 - Present

    • First rotation in Actuarial Student Program: Actuarial Business Services. Regular tasks include individual retirement projections, DC v. DB plan comparison tools, and calculations of TIAA-CREF fund performance. Special projects in last year:
      • Pricing tool for new business (along with project members, saved the company $250K!)
      • Mortality and annuity factor calculators
      • TIAA annuity settlement and renewal calculator
      • Monte Carlo fund modeling for product development
    • Second rotation: Actuarial Modeling. Projects:
      • C3 Phase II and VA CARVM: implementation and analysis of impact on after-tax annuity product line
      • Asset/Liability Modeling on pension annuities

    Industrial Mathematics Modeling Workshop, Center for Research in Scientific Computation, North Carolina State University, Advisor: Laura Mather, National Security Agency
    Research project, August 1997

    • Worked on term-weighting scheme for information retrieval, especially for use with the World Wide Web, in a group from differing applied math backgrounds.

    Physics Department, North Carolina State University, Profs. Jerzy Bernholc and Boris Yakobson
    Research Assistant, September 1995 - August 1996

    • Adapting molecular dynamics code to study initial growth of carbon nanotubes as well as the dynamics of stretch them. Published journal article resulted.

    National Science Foundation's Research Experience for Undergraduates, Indiana University, Bloomington, Advisor: Dan Maki
    Research project, June 1995-August 1995

    • Applied hidden markov speech recognition structures to evaluating speech quality for speech pathology clinical work. Obtained extremely good results for limited speech problems.

    Statistics Department, North Carolina State University, Advisor: Roger Berger
    Summer Internship, June 1991-August 1991

    • Taught self statistics and wrote FORTRAN programs for Prof. Berger to calculate specialized probabilities and optimal rejection regions for multiple-hypotheses testing.
    Math Department, New York University
    Instructor, September 2001 - May 2002
    • Teaching Quantitative Reasoning workshop sessions, a course which is the math requirement for the College of Arts and Sciences for non-science majors. Covers topics such as exponential and logarithmic functions and their relation to compound interest and radioactive decay; probability and its relation to sampling procedures; trigonometric functions and their relation to determining large distances, such as the distance to and size of the moon.

    Mathcamp, Mathematical Foundation of America
    Mentor, Summer 1999, Summer 2000, and Summer 2002
    • Teaching and supervising mathematically gifted high school students. Among the things I taught were fractals, probability, linear algebra, false proofs, discrete math, logic, and wild functions. Also, on the planning committees for Mathcamp since 2000.

    Math Department, New York University
    Teacher, September 1997 - December 1997, January 1999 - May 1999

    • Teaching Mathematical Thinking and Elementary Statistics to non-math majors.

    Math Department, North Carolina State University
    Maple Consultant Supervisor, August 1995 - May 1996

    • Supervised, scheduled, and trained computer consultants.

    Math Department, North Carolina State University
    Teaching Assistant, August 1995 - December 1995

    • Taught recitation twice a week to all-freshman Calculus class, with emphasis on Calculus projects using Maple software. Lectured for two weeks during absence of professor.

    Math Department, North Carolina State University
    Maple Handbook Author, January 1994 - May 1995

    • With two others, wrote Maple projects for use in second-semester Calculus classes.

    Math Department, North Carolina State University
    Maple Consultant, January 1995 - May 1995, September 1992 - May 1994

    • Helped students with Maple, a symbolic math processor that is a large part of N.C. State's Calculus program, as well as with other aspects of the UNIX network.

    Talent Identification Program, Duke University
    Teaching Assistant, June 1992

    • Taught geometry to gifted students in summer program, as well as gave talks on gambling and Cantor's diagonal theorem.
    At Courant Institute: Probability Limit Theorems (I&II), Stochastic Processes, Mathematical Finance (I&II), Computational Methods for Mathematical Finance, Neurophysiology, Vision, Disordered Systems, Partial & Ordinary Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Real Variables, Genome Analysis
    National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, NYU's McCracken Fellowship, graduated Valedictorian, Summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Mu Epsilon (Math Honor Society), Sigma Pi Sigma (Physics Honor Society)
    Toastmasters, St. John's College executive seminars, odd jobs in teaching and mathematics (tutoring, grading, note taking, Kaplan GRE Prep teacher, GED math teacher, consulting on a patent case and consulting for software development), specialist reader for Reading For the Blind and Dyslexic (NYC office), assistant cook at NYU Catholic Center Soup Kitchen, volunteer clerk at Ten Thousand Villages (Raleigh, NC), office volunteer at Holly Hill Hospital (Raleigh, NC), NYU Crew, knitting, crocheting, cross stitch, guitar, went through all of Dickens' novels (as of right now, Our Mutual Friend is my favorite).

Updated: February 2006