Maureen's 2003 December Photo Album
Baby got herself a set of choppers?!
L'il teeth
I will eat the world...
Muncha buncha
Howdy there
Looking through Mom's stitchery... wait a sec!
Yes! Let's mess up Mom's Christmas presents while Daddy takes pictures!
Now it's time to mess up the furniture
Don't take my remote!
Nothing but cartoons from now on!
lil M's 1st snowstorm: Suited up to go outside
They don't seem too happy about this
Entering the winter wonderland
At least Daddy is enjoying the snow
Ooo! Cold!
Let's pet the snow
Maureen is unimpressed
Mmmm... dog biscuit!
Swing low, sweet baby chariot
Here's lookin' at you
Over-the-shoulder look
Hoe-down at Gramma-tramma Campbell's! Dec 21, 2003
Aunt Luann and Samantha
Amy & TJ
Natalie and Amber
Dark interior shot
Take it off!
A pretty little present
I get all the presents, so nyah
Two grandmas
Carey & Nick
Trying to get everybody
Meep, Nick & Uncle Ed
Ma just taking pics on December 23
Yeah I work out every day
I try and I try
You see this rattle? It's MY rattle.
Ma's pajamas look good enough to lick
Who's got your chinny-chin-chin?
Maureen's world
That's it -- no more bottles for baby
Family time! 23 Dec 2003
The intrepid bear hunter
It attacked me!
What's on the ceiling?
Maureen, Heather and Stu
Nana and little one
Flying baby!
Post-Christmas Rest
John at rest
Oooo shoelaces!
Ya wanna make something of it?
Well, Alton, I've been whipping up a tasty treat
Little bit
Meeplet and Ernie
Don't take the laces away!
That's more like it.
Great joke, grandma!
Soooo big
Hee hee
Mary Pat Campbell
, last updated on date of most recent pics