29 Sept 98
Two weeks to go.... I passed a hearse at the Ukrainian Church today -- it
seems they have a funeral every week. I haven't heard their particular
bell tolling, but there's a hollow sound in the distance sliding closer
every tau_m.
Obligatory rant on that which passes for culture
(perhaps such things can cure my chronic cough... but im not fond of
infusing odd things with camomile)
and that which i've only heard mentioned in written news...
It seems the wubba-bubba channel has developed _another_ coming of age
series, this one set in NY at a suspiciously-named University of New York.
She's got that pre-raphaelite look and evidently the skin tone of the
surrounding population doesn't have the usual manhattan distribution. I
wonder if the people are too tall as well. I have no intention to
determine this.
so if you want to have an idea of what manhattan life is not like, here's
another show. Mad About You is the only one that comes somewhat close to
real city life that I can see. I still think their apartment is too nice.
But I suppose they must make good money.
Time to learn about info theory. In theory.