17 August 1998 
  You know those jointed figures that have elastic bands in them, and go 
floppy or erect depending on if you push a button?  I feel like my elastic 
bands are tightened for the time being.  Must be those all-fruit-n-veggie 
breakfasts I have been having.  I wonder how long it will last.  Sitting 
in front of this screen has a tendency to wilt me. 
  By the way, I've been reading alot about food chemistry lately.  I'm 
trying to think of some food experiments for later.  I used to do such 
things as a kid.  Mostly nasty stuff, though.  My only successful 
production (in terms of acceptance from others -- I also created Macho 
Meat Mix which was basically cooked ground beef with every possible 
condiment (including meat tenderizer and cinnamon) mixed in) was the pizza 
puffs.  I haven't made those in a long time.   
  Anyway, I find I am in need of a good cast iron skillet.  Anybody got a 
spare?  Old ones particularly requested. 
  In other news, I've been watching PBS alot more recently (they're doing 
their fund drive now -- I find that the overall quality actually -drops- 
during these periods.  I mean, they never play Yanni when they're -not- 
asking for money.)  I find myself watching children's shows for the 
details I used to hate -- remember those shots of factory production on 
Sesame Street?  Lines of bottles snaking around on metal rollers, to be 
filled by cola and then capped.  Those were the real commercial breaks for 
me, then.  Now I find I want to know how crayons are made, how they put 
the cream filling in Twinkies, how the candy shell is sprayed on M&Ms. 
  Have you noticed that children aren't often impressed by certain 
technological feats?  They can be downright blase about computers and DVDs 
and the effort it takes to make skyscrapers, for instance.  But pretend to 
pull off the tips of their noses or push coins through their ears, and 
their eyes bug out.   
  Actually, I think kids are more likely to want to comprehend "the big 
picture" -- why is the sky blue?  where does god live?  where was I before 
I was born?  What's this reading thing, anyway?  I think most adults have 
had their perspective worn out of them, so they spend most of their time 
concerned with details -- how can I protect my kids from that one person? 
how can I keep the property values up around here?  how much shall I pay 
off on my credit card bill? 
  Enough blathering.  It's time to get some work done.  La. 
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