10 Sept 97
Blah, I'm tired.
So let me tell you my schedule:
Monday: 5-6:50pm Stochastic Processes
Tuesday: 10-11am Office hours
noon-1 Math Think (the class I'm teaching)
Wednesday: 1:20-3:10pm Neurophysiology
7-9pm Computational Methods for Math. Finance
Thursday: noon-1 Math Think
2-3pm Office hours
7:30-9:20pm Math finance I
Friday: noon-1 Math Think
Saturday: recover
Sunday: Mass (10am, noon, or 6pm) at which I read, serve, or drink
I'm thinking of doing crew, which occurs at 5am every day.
But most of you won't be trying to call me that early in the morning, so
it's irrelevant information.