17 Sept 96
Accomplishments of the day: finished my homework. woo hoo. Went to
Borther's BBQ - honest-to-god real NC barbecue sandwiches. It was so
good. Stuffed my face and burnt my tongue, they sure put alot of pepper
in there.
Anything else? Not really. It's a very drizzly day. I'm waiting for
some real rain (well, I'm not really, but I'm sure it will come). Meg
Ryan is being filmed in Washington Square Park, and yesterday the film
company rented out part of my church as a holding area for extras. You
see, we were supposed to tour that area for an orientation for the soup
kitchen the Catholic Center runs on Mondays, but we weren't allowed in.
That's one of the things they get for paying a thousand dollars.
Anyway, the soup kitchen sounds like a good thing -- they try to run it
like a restaurant. People are seated a table at a time, and servers
bring the food to the table. When they leave, each person is given a bag
of cookies. I'll be able to do the whole thing on Monday, because my
Complex teacher is Jewish and is out for Yom Kippur. Usually I'll only
be able to do prep or cleanup due to that class.