9 Sept 96
Going to class today..._this_ time I won't miss it. I went to my
relatives' in Connecticut this weekend, so there's not much to report
other than I basically drank a bottle of wine. It was good.
Also, I saw _Clueless_ -- terrific! terrific! I just want to say to
everybody that I'm sorry I dragged y'all to _Emma_, _Clueless_ was a much
better adaptation. How was I to know?
"I think I remember my Mel Gibson, and he never said that -- that
Thelonius guy did."
From the inquiring minds want to know file, just interested in how
Raleigh is doing. Any place I know/like get destroyed? I've heard of
some really weird scenes down there (beavers & squirrels swimming in a
hall?). I bet places with "COLD BEER" are doing well this week.