27 Dec 2000
So this shall probably be the last entry of the year for me (the last of
the second, the minute, the hour, the day, the week... it doesn't really
matter - there's actually no beginning to each. Right now is the end or
middle or beginning of any given time period. I saw that there is no
"millenium" thing going on, because noone actually started counting in the
common era numbers wholesale until after the "first millennium" had
passed. They had been counting based on the founding of Rome, the reign
of any given emperor or king, or perhaps based on their own ages or the
last time there had been a really big flood. Anyway, I proclaim today to
be the first day of the Meep Millennium. I hope I make it to see the
Anything important for me to say? Not really. I'm trying to warm up
before I go out into the great freezing yonder to brave shopping at
Macy's. I want a fur cap. I'm not particular about color, but I do want
ear flaps. And I want fur, because noone makes reasonable wool stuff
anymore. If I'm going to have a wool cap, I'm going to knit it
myself. And I'm coveting Stu's black fur cap from Romania (or is it
Rumania? anyway, we have no idea what animal it's made from.)
Which reminds me of a silly thing I saw at adcritic.com this morning -- a
singing cow ad from PETA - trying to tell people not to wear leather. I'm
really tired of listening to the PETA people fussing about fur and leather
-- Hello? What about this meat thing? Far more animals are killed for
eating purposes and some other byproduct uses (such as feed for other
animals...) -- are they hoping that all this anti-fur and anti-leather
stuff will make people want to stop eating meat? Here's an idea: why
don't you start a chain restaurant that sells =YUMMY= vegetarian food? So
far, most of the exclusively vegetarian restaurants I've been to seem to
cater to the taste-bud-less cripples of the world. Ahem, I believe
peppers (chile and the spice types) are vegetarian, as are herbs. I want
tasty food! This kind of goes with my ideas on abortion -- people will
stop doing aforesaid icky activities if one provides better
choices. Bland tofu "cheesecake" is not a viable option.
Let's see, how many words have I written? 33 (or was that 34?) lines so
far, and it seems about 12 words a line, more or less, so that makes about
400 words. Hmmm. Really? That doesn't sound right. Kids have to write
500-word essays - and I've just rambled about nothing for 400 words? The
editor is telling me 2500 characters, so I guess it must be more than 400
words at this point. In any case, I should wrap this up. It's about time
to head out to Macy's; Stu and Heather will be waiting for me.
Happy Birthday Stu!